Argumentative Essay: The Legalization Of Marijuana

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There are people every day being put in jail for marijuana.There also many people out there who could use medical marijuana to help seizures,cancer, and chronic pain. 1 out of 26 people experience seizures and that is a lot of people that have seizures.Them being able to have medical marijuana to help them with that would bring that up to 1 out of 50 people. The people who are going to jail for marijuana is about 750,000 people go to jail every year for having marijuana in their possession or for smoking it. If we were able to legalize Marijuana it would make stop people wouldn't have to go to jail for having possession of marijuana. People are saying that it shouldn't be legalized because it could affect their health and they are worried about people and crime levels. They also believe that it shouldn't be used for medical uses. So is this right or wrong? …show more content…

In the article wrote by R.Scott Ruppard it said “In addition to to seizure disorders, medical marijuana is often used to help treat chronic pain from cancer, nausea, and multiple sclerosis.” That is just a couple of the many things that we know that medical marijuana could help with.If we legalize it we could start to see if it can be used for any other medical problem. Another problem wrong with medical marijuana is that people are going to jail for having possession of it. In the article Police Arrest more people

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