Argumentative Essay: The Intelligent Life Outside Of Earth

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Intelligent life outside of Earth is one of the most debated topics in The United States of America. There are plenty of shows on television about it and supposedly there has been thousands of sightings all throughout America. Our government is thought of to have encountered and held extraterrestrials. Area 51 is where everyone theorizes that we hold and run tests on aliens, even though there is little evidence. There are also ancient stories told about “gods” coming down and doing inhuman things. In cave paintings you can find UFOs in the pictures, even back then they somehow knew of these flying objects. Most people do not want to recognize that our universe is so vast it would be more likely that there is intelligent life out there than there is not. It is possible that the general population is afraid to acknowledge Aliens’ existence because they cannot imagine a species being more advanced and smarter than us. Another reason people fail to recognize them is because the media has made these “creatures” very far fetched with …show more content…

There is evidence dating back to ancient times, for example; the “The Madonna with Saint Giovannino” is an ancient painting that is from the 15th century. This particular painting is of Virgin Mary and in the background a dog and its owner is staring up into the sky at a hovering disc like object. Sounds familiar to what we now claim to spot doesn't it? Sighting of UFOs date back to the bible as the bible describes a UFO sighting in The Book of Ezekiel. Another example of ancient evidence is there was an abnormal sized head found from three hundred BC, many describe it as alien like. The painting is a significant piece of evidence because like I brought up earlier how would someone from the 15th century even think of an UFO unless they saw it personally. The Book of Ezekiel is also really interesting because you have a very reliable and popular

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