Argumentative Essay: Should Felons Vote?

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Have rights been given so that they can be taken away as punishment when one does wrong? What does it take to reclaim these rights? If you deal with the consequences including served your time to society should you be able to reclaim your rights? In a democracy every citizen of the established country has a say so in decisions made by the government through elected representatives. Everyone has that right except ex-convicts. I believe that ex-cons should receive the same rights as other citizens especially when it comes to voting on who will run the country in which they live in. Some might argue that you “can’t trust the judgment of an ex-con” but one could argue that you also cannot trust the judgment of a person who committed the same crime …show more content…

In the City Journal editorial entitled, “Should Felons Vote?” Edward Feser argues if having felons vote it would make any contribution to society. He says that if felons had the right to vote more democrats would be in power and felons would feel like they fit back into society making them act more civilized. But the question still is asked if this is considered a fair punishment. Feser says that this would pull votes more to “the left”. If the statement is true, it is questionable as to if that is the reason that felons are disenfranchised. Should felons have the right to vote? Many ex-cons would like to be given the chance to vote but because of their previous infractions they are unable to participate in such activities. When being punished twice for the same crime they are a victim of double jeopardy. Some people might ask why they should be allowed to vote when they have committed a crime against society. Others might say why should we give them a chance to contribute to society. One can wonder if this is just considered unfair punishment or is it …show more content…

Due to this reason, most republicans do not want to give ex-cons the privilege of voting. Because of the fact that many felons were not able to vote in forty-eight states back then the results of the presidential election was different. The thought of whether a felon will vote republican or democratic should not be a factor in allowing them to be re-enfranchised. Unfortunately that is a major factor. People have to decide if felons should have to right to vote or not but, should this be decided by the fact that felons may vote for the Democratic

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