Argumentative Essay: Should College Tuition Be Free?

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Many people ask themselves, “should college tuition be free”? If universities had no tuition, it could turn out to be very problematic and it’s somewhat impractical, but what the people should be asking is how to reduce college tuition to more realistic costs. Tuition is getting completely out of hand, for what reason? Plenty of students are suffering and it is something all of us must take into consideration. Everyone should be extremely concerned with today's student loan debt crisis because of the immense growth in tuition overtime, which lead to major debt increase, then ultimately negatively impacted the student’s availability of achieving certain life goals as a result. With tuition on the rise, so has the bigger burden put on the average person. Most college graduates are leaving school owing more than $35,000 and many (nearly seven million) have defaulted on their student loans. With these outrageous amounts of money being owed, mental health could be an extreme factor in here, as well. Patty Lambert, author of Depressed About …show more content…

Students are in a panic, wondering; “How can I pay off my student loan debt?”, “How much student loan debt is okay?”, “How long will it take to pay off my student loans?”, etc. The price of college has increased while the inflation has not kept up. Therefore, the middle and lower class have been crippled in debt. According to the article 6 ways your student debt hurts (and helps) the Economy by Elyssa Kirkham, about 44 million Americans are putting a large chunk of their paychecks to pay off their student debt. This affects the economy by that they are not able to purchase a home, cars, and other economy boosting goods or services. They will have less money and be much less likely to start their own business, save or invest. These student debts not only cripple the individual, it is crippling our

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