Persuasive Essay On Here Comes Debt

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Here Comes Debt Our generation is currently more than a trillion dollars in debt, more than any generation before. We are training up students to succeed and go bankrupt or “fail” and stay debt free. Students are being taught it’s either college or failure. They are being brainwashed to believe college is the only option after highschool if they want to succeed in life. This fabrication leads to unwanted debt, useless degrees, and valuable time wasted. Currently in the US, student loan debt is equal to credit card debt and mortgage debt COMBINED. And did you know student loan debt is the ONLY debt that does not go if you go bankrupt? There’s no escaping it, you HAVE to pay it off. After a student graduates college they have to start paying interests on their student loan. Most students aren’t worried about paying interest because they believe after they graduate they’ll get a high paying job and be successful right away. Eighty-five percent of these assumptions are inaccurate. Eighty-five percent of college graduates return home jobless and depressed within six months of graduation. Hmm but for some reason people aren’t aware of this fact, how odd. …show more content…

It is well known among college administrators that it is much harder leaving college than coming to college. For almost all of a student's life they’ve been in a structured step by step education. But what’s the next step after graduation? A job. And what happens if that graduate can’t find a job? Depression, regret and failure. The culture in our society today is encouraging students to set unrealistic expectations. College tuition in 2005 was $17,233 and now in 2016 it’s $44,740. College is more expensive than it’s ever been before and it’s going to keep increasing in expense. Which means debt will keep growing. In thirteen years student debt has grown by a whopping five-hundred

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