Argumentative Essay On Whether Transgender People Match Their Gender Identity

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Why do people judge? Nobody should ever judge somebody before getting to know them not only are they missing out on a great opportunity to make a friend, but it makes them seem like a bad person. You should always get to know somebody before you judge them, think about if you were in their shoes would you like it if somebody judge you before they got to know you? Everyone has the chance to prove to people that they are good people. Regardless the circumstances you should never judge somebody before you get to know them, Not even if they dress different, talk different, look different, etc. What i'm trying to say is nobody should judge somebody before getting to know them. First, nobody should ever judge somebody based on their appearance …show more content…

In this article Davis states, “The debate over whether transgender students should be able to use the bathrooms that match their gender identity is likely headed to the U.S. Supreme Court after a federal appeals court refused Tuesday to reconsider a three-judge panel's ruling on the matter.”(1). My thought on this is that transgender students should be able to use the restroom of the gender they identify as, because they are no different then off the other people that use those restrooms. Also, if they identify as that gender this means they have the same rights as the people of that gender. In the article Grimm states, “"I'm banned from a gender specific place and it is a big issue for me, this is one way the school is saying, we do not believe you are legitimate, and that is a big deal to me,"” (Davis 1). My thought on this is that even though it doesn't matter to other people it matters to the people that have to deal with that and people should respect that and not treat them so poorly. Also, we should all treat transgender students like everybody else and people should get to know kids that are transgender before making judgements on them. In the end we shouldn’t judge someone because they’re transgender or not give them the rights that they deserve and respect them for what they have gone through to be where they are at

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