Argumentative Essay On Transgender People

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It seems you cannot go to the bathroom today without hearing about who should be allowed in the stall next door. In a world where terrorists run amuck, opiate abuse has reached epidemic levels, and the polar ice caps are melting, it seems our country has decided to fix its attention on what bathroom an individual chooses to use. Some citizens of the United States of America support a so-called “Bathroom Bill” that they claim with provide the public with a sense of safety if all people are forced to use the bathroom that corresponds with their birth certificate, even if that is not the gender they identify with. Is there evidence to back their claim? I have not found any. Transgender people are not a new form of people, they have been around …show more content…

(National Center for Transgender Equality) Specifically in Maine, which has had these gender identity civil laws in place for over 11 years (Title 5: Administrative Procedures and Services), there have been zero instances on record of a transgender individual using a public facility to commit an act of sexual assault. On the contrary, during a survey conducted by UCLA’s Williams Institute in 2013 in the Washington D.C. area, 78% of transgender respondents stated they had previously been harassed in a public restroom. (Herman) I leave you with the question: Who is the real …show more content…

Children are not born innately knowing what it means to be a ‘boy’ or ‘girl’. We learn through nurture versus nature. We grow up in homes that tell us that boys are rough and like to play with trucks and girls are dainty and like to play with dolls. We are taught that if a boy plays with a doll there must be something wrong with him and that if a girl wants to drive a monster truck we should lower it and paint it pink. These are societal norms that we have adapted over decades of social conditioning. These views are not views we are born knowing to be true. These gender roles are roles that are forced on us and can be detrimental. If a woman cannot cook, sew, or bare children, she may feel like less of a woman. If a man cannot hunt, fish, or lift heavy things he may feel like less of a man. Those assumptions about what makes a man, a man and what makes a woman, a woman are harmful to gender normative people; now amplify that by also dealing with the weight of a society telling you who you know you are is not who they believe they know you are. It’s no wonder gender dysphoria is so

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