Argumentative Essay On Tobacco Use

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Tobacco smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals that are incredibly harmful to our bodies. It is simply unethical to allow one’s employees, patients, customers, clients, etc. to be exposed to secondhand smoke. Smoking not only decreases morale with frequent smoke breaks, it also causes a sharp decline in clientele or patients who prefer a smoke free environment, like pregnant women. As a community, we need to protect those who choose not to expose themselves to the number one preventable causes of death in the United States. Taking on a tobacco-free campus policy and refusing to hire smokers, supports the global cause to end tobacco use.
Billions of smokers and non-smokers alike all across America have seen the surgeon general’s warnings on packs …show more content…

This general disregard is simply a direct result of a lack of understanding of the true dangers of tobacco use. As mentioned above, Tobacco smoke contains over 7,000 deadly chemicals. These chemicals include, Formaldehyde, Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Cyanide, and many more. These chemicals mix and create a tar like substance that sticks to clothing, the inside of your lungs, and skin. This tar like substance builds up in the inner lining of the lungs and can make it incredibly hard to breathe, this feeling is often compared to trying to breathe through a straw. For hundreds of years Americans smoked with reckless abandon. Tobacco use was as it’s most popular in the mid 1920’s. It wasn’t until the 1950’s when Americans became widely educated and aware of …show more content…

Unfortunately, these actions weren’t enough to truthfully help protect nonsmoking Americans from secondhand smoke. Thousands of Americans were still incredibly displeased with allowing designated smoking areas in public places, claiming the smell of smoke still lingered and traveled through ventilation systems. They were right, the tar like mixture of the deadly chemicals found in tobacco was simply unavoidable. As a result, many healthcare organizations and buildings began to implement smoke-free campus policies by refusing to allow a designated smoking area. This initiative was taken even further by implementing the ban on hiring smokers in an effort to stop tobacco use and protect

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