Argumentative Essay On Taxidermy

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While, now in 21st century visiting zoos and watching Discovery channel is a way how to view exotic animals; taxidermy had educational purpose in 19th century in Europe to teach people about exotic animals. In 1991, an artist Damien Hirst opened his installation The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living (art piece that consists of a tiger shark submerged in a tank of formaldehyde). The artwork was very controversial- some critics and people were shocked and they called the art piece as obscene and other actually loved it. Hirst’s installation started a new trend in contemporary art by introducing taxidermy. While taxidermy continues to gain exposure in art galleries and museums, it has become already very popular in Europe. Taxidermy has gained high-art status, making it a worthy medium in our …show more content…

Two artists who have gained their fame as taxidermy artists are Jaap Sinke and Ferry van Tongeren, whose taxidermy works consist of exotic animals. The men spent over 2 years to create 22 taxidermy

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