Argumentative Essay On Oliver Wilson

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Superheroes have taking over the media in the recent years so what's better then a list of all the BEST ones from a arrogant, egotistical, over weening, know it all, mate like myself? Nothing that is so hopefully you agree with me but chances are you won't but maybe just maybe you will which would be marvelous and make my day! Here are the qualifications to be on my list the most obvious one being well you must be a hero, be from either Marvel or DC comics so sorry Jesus you have to sit this one out…….. But enough of the banter here is The Top 10 Superheroes of all time.

Last at number 10 but certainly not least we have Oliver Queen most commonly know as Green Arrow. Unlike most heroes he didn't start from humble beginnings Oliver was a …show more content…

He then was diagnosed with terminal cancer in his lungs, heart, and brain cause comic books right? No? Well you're just going to have to agree to disagree but he survived with the aid of the Weapon X Program which didn't end up well for Mr. Wade Wilson cause during the procedure a massive explosion happened scaring his whole body to put in light terms he looked like a squashed burnt tomato. The accident gave him enhanced abilities along with a healing factor making invulnerable to well everything when I say everything I mean EVERYTHING. Even though all of these appalling, horrific Deadpool still cracks numerous jokes and smiles constantly while fighting …show more content…

Okay now before all you fanboys start raising your pitchforks and torches let me explain cause from here i'm sure you guessed number 1 by now. Superman was borned on the planet known as Krypton literally seconds after being born the planet was going to explode so Jor-El and Lara sent him off to space in a capsule landing on Earth on a farm owned by Martha and Jonathan Kent who took him in as there own son who they named Clark Kent. The rest is history the crying baby turned into the Superhero known as Superman he has every power in the book including heat vision, ice breath, incredible strength, and he can fly! He's saved the earth countless times from the most dangerous foes in comics history examples being Darksied who is a GOD, Doomsday who was made for the sole purpose of KILLING Superman lost his life in that battle the list goes on forever the Earth is forever in Superman's gratitude. Still haven't lowered your pitchforks and torches? Still mad Superman isn't number 1? Well this is my list not yours but since i'm a gentleman i’ll explain and well cause Ms. Chandler is making me………. Let's just face the facts Superman is the most powerful being in the Universe he is OP (overpowered) has many powers to his arsenal he doesn't know what it's like to be human and attempt to fight the same Villians he would be easily defeated this is why he is number

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