Argumentative Essay On North Korea

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Earlier in history we have been close to going into a nuclear war. For example the “Cold War” but during that time no missiles were fired. The Cold War was between the United States and the USSR, the reason why they didn’t fire any missiles was because the war was fought with words. But now that Donald Trump has fired missiles to Syria could we get involved in a nuclear war? If a nuclear weapon ever exploded, the blast would be hotter than the surface of the sun, tornado-strength winds would spread the flames, and millions of people could die. We can find different alternatives to avoid going into war. For example speaking out to them about the issue and try to find an agreement or maybe find another solution. If we were to end up going into We believe that other countries should have the same privileges like us, and not only that, but business wise. The U.S. is involved in many foreign affairs for different reasons. It can either be for a good reason or for a bad one. About eight countries (China, India, North Korea, France, Israel, United Kingdom, Russia, and of course us the United States) hold nearly 16,000 nuclear weapons, which are more than enough to destroy our planet. Today we face a problem most people are concerned about which is our issue with North Korea. “North Korea’s pursuit of nuclear weapons is an urgent national security threat and top foreign policy priority,” according to a statement told on Wednesday, April 26, 2017 by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Defense Secretary James Mattis and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats. “The United States seeks stability and the peaceful denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. We remain open to negotiations towards that goal.” North Korea illegally acquired nuclear weapons, and other countries including Syria and Iran, which have violated their nuclear safeguards commitments and are suspected of secretly pursuing nuclear weapons capabilities. Due to North Korea’s actions it could bring plenty of conflict between the US and North

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