Argumentative Essay On Marine Education

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Marine education and promotion of the protection of the ocean ties closely to my service work and I believe the advocacy of the ocean is critical for the generations to come in order to preserve its fragile beauty. There are organizations which claim to help the mission to save the ocean and raise awareness but these companies are just building on the billion dollar industry of animals exploitation. Seaworld's and other Marine park facilities demonstrates their negligence and immoral intentions through the inadequate enclosures, the barbaric harvesting of these animals and their claim that it provides apparent “education” to the public. Marine parks around the world claim that the habitat which the animals live in embodies a healthy and sustainable environment, which the animals enjoy and flourish in. The animals in these marine parks that they claim “flourish”, …show more content…

When a young kid watches a dolphin or a orca perform a trick which the trainer commanded the animals to do, it does not teach them anything besides human superiority. These kids are witnessing animals which were seized and put in a tank and receive treats when they do some correctly, again only demonstrating that human are in control of all other wildlife and only if the human desires to reward the animal is when the animals can receive its treat. Isolating these animals teaches the other generations that this inhumane practice is okay and that human control wildlife, which is flat out not true. I am proposing another solution that would actually teach this kids how fragile but yet how powerful wildlife and specifically marine life is. I believe that instead of promoting shows about submission we should focus on how the animal exist in the wild and let us be the submissive ones. For example creating documentaries directed at kids or making eco friendly and non harmful wildlife spectating more

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