Argumentative Essay On Illegal Immigration

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Illegal immigration has been in American history since before America was an official country. And as far as recent years nothing has changed, except the debate of whether it should be looked over or not. These topics can be said to have no right or wrong answer. However, I’m sure we can all agree that pros can outweigh cons, and vise-versa. This said, we aren’t here to tell or convince who’s right and who’s wrong, but what has more to offer and what has more to fear. Often times, when the topic of illegal immigration is brought up, Americans make points that if we simply legalize immigration, we would have a large amount of criminals coming into our country. One of the last things we wish to have is higher crime rates, so keeping illegal immigration strict and illegal would seem logical. Another argument is …show more content…

One major point Americans will make against the allowing of immigration, is that they will take jobs, denying American born citizens any form of work. However the removal of illegal immigrants would leave many low wage jobs that would not be filled due to americans preference of job. Some jobs immigrants do are, Construction work, Housekeeping, Factory jobs, Farming, and janitors. “Immigrants comprise an increasingly large share of the U.S. labor force and a growing share of low-wage workers. Immigrants are 11 percent of all U.S. residents, but 14 percent of all workers and 20 percent of low-wage workers.” ("Immigrant Families and Workers." 2014.) Immigrants should be allowed due to the fact that they take jobs Americans usually do not want to do, the low wage jobs. immigrants are a huge impact on what makes the world what it is, they farm; giving us food, they are housekeepers/janitors; cleaning up messes others make, etc. Therefore illegal immigration should be allowed for the well-being of our

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