Argumentative Essay On Helicopter Parenting

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As of this November I have been a parent for three years. I started my journey into parenthood at a very young and impressionable age. When it comes to raising my daughter, I am faced with all sorts of outside input. I receive advice from family members, church members, and other parents; but one of the biggest resources for parenting advice I’ve seen is the World Wide Web. Thanks to social media, I am constantly bombarded with opinions on the best way to raise my child. One buzz word I frequently hear when discussing child rearing is helicopter parenting. The term helicopter parent was coined back in the 1960’s to describe a parent who over stepped boundaries and hovered over their child like a helicopter. Today this term is often used to explain all the problems with the millennial …show more content…

I noticed that most people who were in opposition of helicopter parenting were not concerned about raising children of their own. They mainly opposed this parenting style, so they could use it as a scape goat for the problems they felt today’s youth were exhibiting. Removing this mindset, I had to experience each side of the argument as if I were a parent in favor of that belief. All upstanding parents really want what they believe to be best for their children. If they have strong feelings about a certain philosophy of child rearing, then they must believe it is truly favorable. I started off my quest for answers by doing some research on helicopter parenting. An article from Psychology Today discussed at length a study done on the subject by the University of Texas. A phone interview was used to collect data from over one thousand Philadelphia area participants. The respondents were asked about the amount of support they give or receive regarding financial, practical, and advice. Both parents and children reported how satisfied they were with their lives and children reported how well they were adjusting to

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