Argumentative Essay On Health Care

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As the famed poet Virgil stated, “the greatest wealth is health.” But, what exactly is health and how does one go about obtaining it? In order to achieve true health, one should not focus on small, localized issues, but rather should address health as a general, comprehensive matter. The multidimensional model of wellness and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs illustrate this concept by examining multiple facets of an individual’s life to determine one’s overall well-being. In order to facilitate a healthy lifestyle, health care administrators should focus on both an individual’s physical well-being such as nutrition, activity level, and presence of disease, and on the intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, and environmental conditions that affect the individual. The shift toward such an integrated approach to providing quality health care has grown during the past century and has redefined the public health arena. Instead of initiating care after the onset of symptoms, the health care profession has transitioned to a patient-focused system with an emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention. As a result of this shift, …show more content…

Over the past few years, I have participated in community service events including volunteering at sporting events, instructing fitness classes, and providing health information to local employers. These initiatives have led to an increase in public awareness of health issues, prevention, and primary care measures, thereby improving the overall well-being of community members. Although, I have experienced some success in these endeavors, I aspire to do much, much more because the approach to improving health should be comprehensive. I believe that a graduate degree in public health will enable me to expand my focus and more effectively address health concerns at a broader

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