Argumentative Essay On Gun Control

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United State had a long history with guns. It is a well-known fact that American love their gun. In the United States, it is so easy for someone to own a gun. I come from Vietnam where only the police can have a gun. In Vietnam, we have a super strict gun control law. Compare to Vietnam, United State gun control are lacking. Many American believe that gun control laws violate the second amendment of the Constitution which is “ A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” My argument is that gun in the United State should be controlled more effectively. We need stricter gun control laws. Gun is a very dangerous weapon. The number of guns in …show more content…

It so easy for someone to get the license to obtain a gun. Most people can be able to get this license. Many people are mentally unstable to own a gun. Even a crazy killer can purchase a gun if he or she want to own one. The people that commit mass shooting are people that are psychologically disturbed. These people shouldn’t be able to own a gun. It isn’t safe for other people when these people own a gun. Only people who are responsible should be able to have a gun. People need to be education about the gun before owning one. I hear many stories of people that accidently shot themselves, friend or loved one with their own gun because they aren’t educated and trained with a gun. Many people also don’t lock their gun in a gun safe. This is dangerous and even more when there is a child in the house. Guns owners should learn how to store their gun in a safe place. I once saw a 13 years old boy had a gun in his backpack. I don’t know how he has a gun, but I think it must be from the black market. This is very dangerous. For me, 13 years old kid isn’t old enough to be holding a dangerous weapon like that on him. People who own guns must be able to properly operate it safely. Some people can’t be trusted with a

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