Argumentative Essay On Free College

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Many people believe that free college would strain the public budget but some others believe that it would level the playing field for underprivileged children. The people that are against free college think that free college would put the country in a serious economic situation pay for all of the expenses that the family would pay for that cost would suddenly shift onto the government rather than the family paying for the tuition. Some people that believe that free college is a good idea because it would give everybody a college education and then would have a domino effect on the united states making it a smarter nation.
Some taxpayers are worried about free college because you would have to be paying for it your whole life and even if …show more content…

Colleges won't be able to offer the same quality of teaching with the colleges having to teach everyone that has the grades (Kelly). This statement makes a good point because the colleges education would be standardized if there was free college which would lower college to the same as public school which the united states is ranked number 14th in whole world. The college would have a lot of more people enrolled in it the college would have to add a lot of people onto their staff to be able to teach all of the new children that are enrolled in the school that they wouldn't have had if the costs had stayed the same as they were before. Free college would not help disadvantaged students either because they would pretty much be only getting grades 13 and 14 added onto their school careers (Petrilli). Free college is just an extension of high school it would be almost the exact same it would be a little bit harder and then would just be in a different building because it would be a state standardized class. Free college would only put the country in more debt than it already is. On the other, students from middle-class families are treated as if they can manage with loans alone (goldrick-rab). This is not fair that the college is doing this they should let every one that feels like they need financial aid have it not just the lower class. If they can't offer financial aid to people other than the

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