Argumentative Essay On Extraterrestrial Life

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Every year, thousands of UFOs are spotted. Surveys have shown that about one-third of the population believes that some of the action is due to extraterrestrial life. Many people have reported contact by extraterrestrial beings. It was once believed that Earth was the only planet that held life. Now, there are many signs supporting life on other planets. Many scientists have devoted time and money in hope of finding answers.
Scientists have found many places that could possibly be holding life. For fifty years, many missions have been on Mars looking for space being. When searching, water is key. All organisms require water. There is a problem on Mars though, the planet is dry. Given the amount of stars, galaxies, and planets in the universe, there is a huge possibility for life somewhere besides Earth. There are a few things that are needed for a planet to be habitable. Those include that it should hold an atmosphere, it should have a molten core, it must rotate on its axis and revolve, it should not have a very low mass, the stars around it have to be stable, and finally, it has to be a comfortable distance away from a star (Habitable Zone). This is important because if the signs are real then that gets us closer to finding the truth about whether or not life does exist in …show more content…

Around half of the United States people say that aliens have already visited us, by flying saucers and debris from crash landings. Kepler-186f is close to Earth in size that could be holding life. Right now there is no proof of life existence now. Earth has been hit with many meteorites over the past four billion years. With the million tons of cosmic dust and meteorites, three have been found to have possibly come in contact with life. A man who was a part of the Apollo 14 mission in 1971. He had two lunar missions where he spent thirty three hours on the moon, and said that he saw several UFO visits over his

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