Argumentative Essay On Chemotherapy

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After comparing the both and doing a reasonable amount of research, the treatment option of chemotherapy seems to be the most effective protocol used by oncologists today. The protocol of chemotherapy has been practiced for many years and will be used and experimented on to prolong the life of a patient and one day find a cure. Many times this treatment is just called chemo. Surgery and radiation therapy remove, kill, or damage cancer cells in a certain area, but chemo can work throughout the whole body. Chemo can kill cancer cells that have metastasized. More than 100 chemo drugs are used in many combinations. A single chemo drug can be used to treat cancer, but often multiple drugs are used in a certain order or in certain combinations (called combination chemotherapy). Combining multiple drugs with different actions can work together to strengthen the effects of the drugs and kill more cancer cells. This can also reduce the chance that the cancer may become resistant to any one chemo drug. The combination of chemotherapies is determined by the specific type of cancer, where it is, how big it is and how the medicine will affect an individuals normal body functions and overall health. Chemo is also used with surgery and radiation therapy. Adjuvant Chemotherapy is the use of chemotherapy after surgery to kill any cancer cells that may still be present in the body (Cancer Chemotherapy, Lancet). …show more content…

She says that chemo brain is a type of ‘fog’ that surrounds the brain. It affects a person’s way of thinking while taking chemo drugs or after surgery. Some of the effects of chemo brain disappear after treatment but others stick around with a patient forever. In the article Dr. Ades describes some of the side effects of ‘chemo

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