Argumentative Essay On Autism

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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is an unfortunate disorder that can severely damage lives. It can cause people to need daily assistance with all their activities throughout their whole lives. Autism affects a countless number amount of people, and those people need our help to find a cure for autism. We can help them find the cure for autism by simply donating to foundations such as Autism Society. If we were diagnosed with autism we would all want people to donate to the cause and support it in order to be normally healthy like others; the disorder is very insidious. The disorder seems to have a direct connection to the brain, while being costly. ASD research has recently exposed that the brain may be where autism is created, “Anatomic abnormalities have been identified in different brain regions in individuals with autism” (“The Autism Spectrum,1”). The particular brain region where autism is created, is different in autistic children from …show more content…

A couple of autistic children tend to excel in intelligence as about 40% have above average intellectual disabilities (“What is Autism,1”). Their talent is also impressive, “Many of the positively affected excel in visual skills, music, math and art” (“What is Autism,1”). ASD proves to be a disorder that may luckily impact a person’s life in a positive manner. Despite there being some positivity in autism, there is also a negative side. Autistic children may struggle in their daily lives as “ASD causes difficulties in motor coordination and attention and physical health issues” (“What is Autism,2”).The disorder causes abnormalities that create uncomfortability such as sleep and gastrointestinal disturbances (“What is Autism,2”). ASD also has the ability to antagonize life. ASD will either positively affect someone’s life, or make it an

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