Argumentative Essay On Addiction

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Addiction is simply a word, a word with grater meaning than we expect. According to the Merriam Webster, “addiction is a strong and harmful need to regularly have something”. Another meaning of addicting from Merriam Webster is “an unusually great interest in something or a need to do or have something”. Unusual huh, what has to make it so unusual? Why does it have to be a strong and harmful need? With that being said, can an addiction have a good impact, or can one be addicted to something for a positive outcome? It really does have more meaning when we get down to it. Addiction has multiple paths and one may go down the righteous lane or one may go down the lane where disaster is waiting to happen. Addiction to me means, something that you …show more content…

All you here are about drug overdoses and being addicted to alcohol. In fact, “the Latin meaning for the word is “enslaved by” or “bond to” (“Understanding Addiction”). In reality there are people out there that are enslaved by the use of alcohol and other substances, a disease they call it. A quick fact about being addicted to drugs is that, “almost 1 out of 10 are addicted to alcohol or drugs” (“Understanding Addiction”). Doctors, scientist, and professors all call it a chronic brain disease. That’s when People “seek out nicotine and alcohol, or engage in gambling, because it makes them feel good or lessens feelings of stress and sadness. Many abused drugs produce a pleasurable feeling by exciting cells in the brain’s reward center” (BrainFacts). Addiction was also defined as “craving for something intensely, loss of control over its use, and continuing involvement with it despite adverse consequences” (“Understanding Addiction”). The consequences can be excruciating once you do get addicted to the terrible things such as alcohol or drugs. These types of addictions could have a great impact on one’s life in a drastic way. You could lose your job, following into losing money, after all, losing your

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