Argumentative Essay On 19 Kids And Counting

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The parents of the former hit TLC reality show “19 Kids and Counting” star Josh Duggar announced on Aug. 26, Wednesday, that their son decided to checked into a rehabilitation center after the ex-actor previously confessed molesting underage girls, cheating on his wife and being addicted to pornography. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar stated on their family’s website that Josh will undergo a “long journey toward wholeness and recovery.” However, the announcement did not reveal other important details such as the name of the facility center, the type of treatment that their son will receive or the nature of the rehabilitation. Aside from disclosing their son’s decision to enter a rehab, Josh’ parents stated that they are prayerfully hoping that “he comes to complete repentance and sincere change.” Obviously, Jim Bob and Michelle were deeply affected by the controversies that their son underwent for the past few months. Not only they were grieved by Josh’ actions, but they think those brought “great insult to the values and faith” that they taught their children. …show more content…

Prior to his decision to enter rehab, Josh released an online apology and there, he called himself “the biggest hypocrite ever,” according to The Revoluzionne. It can be remembered that before the 27-year-old ex-reality star admitted molesting five underage girls, including two of his sisters, Josh was the executive director of FRC

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