Argumentative Essay: Nature Vs. Nurture

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Nature versus Nurture
Am I outgoing because I inherited from mom who was also outgoing as a teen, or because I grew up in the household with her and learned it from my environment? Nature versus Nurture has been a debate of many years. Nature is the inborn, innate character of an organism.While, nurture is the sum total of the environmental that affect an organism from conception onward. Although, nature versus nurture has been a debated for many years no one knows which sides truly wins.
Nature is what psychologist refer to as your genotype. Your genotype is what provides your genetic code. It is one genetic makeup based on the sequencing of the nucleotides that we term A, C, G, and T. In other words, this is your physical appearance. The …show more content…

Our genotype provide us with physical traits that set the stage for certain behaviors. While, our phenotype is environmental factors such as nutrients, exercise, and learning opportunities. For example, I love to read books, I can stay up for hours, even all night just reading books. This may be nature because my father loves to read books as well. However, if my family lived in poverty and could not afford books would I know that I love to read books. Why did I fall in love with the game basketball? Was it because of my phenotype, my environment? Neither one of my parents played basketball. However, I had a brother who I watched play basketball all throughout school. Did I acquire my love from basketball from growing up in the same household with him. Although I believe my love for basketball dealt with my phenotype, did my brother’s love for basketball deal with his genotype? Although neither one of my parents played or liked basketball, my brother father was very interested in basketball. Maybe he inherited his love for basketball from his father. Although, my brother influenced some of my likings and behavior patterns while I was young, school played a major part, as well as movies and television shows. My mother was never a cheerleader, she never played soccer, and she was never in band, neither was my father. Did I cheer because of how movies perceived cheerleaders to be in high school or was it because my mom who was never a

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