Argumentative Essay: Is It's Just An Anime?

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Looks quieter here than anywhere else.

The realization that you can no longer debate anime logic, whether is applies in that particular series or not, that. The community comprehensively embraces the call for adventure culture, where individuals set free their brain. However, sometimes, when provoked by things that doesn't answer the question, they tend resort to say that "it's just an anime." There's nothing wrong with that statement but when we try to hide and tolerate what could have been done better, that when it falls out of the line. Imagine if the world is driven by opinions, "I turned right on the "no turning right" side cause in my opinion. I'm kidding. The second one, I didn't say it has to follow our universe, sure it's an anime, …show more content…

The first episode of Re:Zero crumbles even before it started when Subaru goes out and buys something in a convience store then he suddenly wakes up without any explanation of what happened. The bait part is when I try to keep watching to know the answer the reason he ended up in Emilia's world. If the reason is to be explained in the manga(if it has) or going to be in the following season, then it's pointless. It would be like Final Fantasy XV, where the developers expected all the customers to also watch the movie. If you didn't it's your fault for not watching the movie first. Subaru entering to the magical world is without a doubt an "asspull" which I'll give more examples later.

As ridiculous in Hunter x Hunter as how Meruem was born from an evolution of Chimera Ant, at least the show explained how it became possible to give birth to an insect-human even slightly referencing the evolution of human from monkeys. In Mushishi, mushi is the most beautifully ridiculous thing I have ever seen in any anime but the author, Akira, explained how they are formed, where they came from, their purpose, etc. heck Akira even explained why Ginko is smoking. Lmao. So, these are some of the

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