Argumentative Essay: Is College Education Worth It?

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During Junior year most teens begin to explore different college options, and life paths. Some may choose the military or vocational school; whereas, others may choose to go to a four year university. Some records have shown college graduate unemployment levels are at a high and that leaves some to wonder is the cost of college education worth it? Others believe that college prepares you for more than just a career. Personally i believe that someone believes college education is worth the price or not is solely based on their plans for life.
What if everyone went to college to be a doctor or a lawyer? The world would then have an abundance of doctors and lawyers, but we need people to clean the doctor offices, and decide the verdict on a lawyer's case. Sometimes college is not the best option for people who can not …show more content…

I think college is only worth it if you get the money back plus more after graduating. For example, I want to be a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, which requires a Bachelor in Science and Nursing or a Masters, and 2 years of specialized infant training. So for my job course i will go to college for 6-10 years. That means close to 50,000-100,000$ for school. However the average starting salary of a NNP is 98,000$, so within one or two years I will have almost made back all the money i spent on schooling. ANd that is when college will be worth the price. However for someone who decides to go a liberal art college path, the cost may not be worth it. Even sometimes it is more expensive than a normal university. Michael Both wrote “liberal learning introduces them to books and the music, the science and the philosophy.” (Source B) Most people who graduate from a Liberal Arts College will make back the thousands they spent. Let's say singers and actors, for example. On TV the person

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