Argumentative Essay About Legalizing Marijuana

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Would making marijuana legal be a good thing for the United States? Some might say that marijuana should be legal, especially pertaining to medical use of the drug. Others might say that marijuana should not be legal in the United States because of the long-term effects on the brain and the physical health of a person. In my opinion, marijuana legalization would cause more people to use marijuana, more people to abuse the drug, would lead to more people to become addicted, and would cause issues with peoples mental and physical health. Marijuana, also known as the “weed”, is made from the cannabis plant which is primarily eaten or smoked to get high or “induce euphoria”. According to CNBC “Marijuana is the most commonly abused illegal drug in the United States and around the world.” Marijuana has been linked to mental and physical health issues which is just one of the reasons it shouldn’t be legal. People of all ages in the United States use this drug for various reasons. Even though marijuana is illegal, people still find ways to get it. If it was legalized the number of …show more content…

It is mainly the youth using this drug illegally. In my opinion, I think legalizing marijuana would increase the amount of people wanting to try it and would lead to more people producing mental illnesses because of the drug if it was easy to access. According to CNBC, “Rapidly accumulating new research shows that marijuana use is associated with increases in a range of serious mental and physical problems.” Do you think it would be a good idea to legalize this drug knowing the complications that go along with it and that if it is legalized, people could get the drug easily? In my opinion, no, I think marijuana should stay illegal to prevent people in the United States from getting their hands on a drug that can cause so many issues with their

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