Are test scores a good judge of student competency?

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High stakes exams have taken its toll on the right of education through entrance exams as they do not properly represent a student’s passion or potential skill but rather show a limited glimpse of knowledge. According to Yahoo!’s South East Asia’s Newsroom, “The passing rate in the Bar Examinations dipped below 20 percent for the first time in a decade, showing a double-digit drop from the previous year” (Patria, Kim Arveen) in regards to its most recent law school bar examinations. Allowing for an exam to determine whether or not an aspiring student is eligible to continue into specialty school becomes a barrier to their future. This supports that high stakes testing not only affects young students but is also an existing problem present in college students. Nursing applicants, year after year, do not see their names on the passing boards to become a registered nurse. The ability of how to handle patients and absorb situations calmly are not taught in the books. The best way to get experience would be through working in the field itself and learning how to conduct their job productively and efficiently, but paper testing examinations do not allow students to display that quality. Entrance examinations can change the course of pupils that did not pass by redirecting their life path to settle on vocational courses instead. Not all jobs require book-smart educational products but also require humans that are able to discern and make judgements based on experience and skill. Unfortunately, the chance of passing examinations are not based on interpersonal relationship skills or even applied in the field.

Test validity may be affected by the smallest detail and just one day can cause a student’s test result to be thrown off comple...

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...hould not be punished for inaccurate assessments that are given with such high stakes. Teachers just teaching the test in order to carry a school rank will not help students develop their own thoughts and opinions. In the long run, high stakes exams have a negative influence on schools because of their inability to properly produce accurate performance of a student’s intelligence. Many factors can affect the way a student tests and test measurements should be as how Wood stated “to devise tests which look at the individual and find out how well rather than how many” (Danili, Eleni and Reid, Norman). A solution to this problem is to conduct performance-based assessments rather than relying solely on high stakes exams. "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid” -Unknown.

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