Archaeological Looting

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Our cultural heritage is shared and preserved through artifacts and archeological sites. Studying these allows us to deepen our understanding of the past. Archaeological looting has been and continues to be a serious global issue. Once theses sacred artifacts and sites are destroyed, or sold illegally into the market, they are gone and can never be replaced. A part of our story as a human race is lost.
I was surprised to read about looting not just happening overseas but right in our back yard. Through research I learned that war is a major cause of archaeological looting. Especially in the Middle East archeological sites and monuments are being deliberately destroyed. In the United States Native American graves are being looted. After reading many different sources on the prevention of looting at archaeological sites I feel these are the top three things we can do to prevent these crimes.
First, there needs to be a centralized non-profit and website housing all information. If you know of looting happening or see a stolen artifact, what would you do? Having one platform would help minimize confusion. This centralized website would provide ample resources to educate our population. When they teach history in school and cover looting this non-profit’s website needs to be showcased. It needs a rich social media presence. Now with Instagram, it …show more content…

Through their research they can create satellite pictures and set up monitoring for large archeological sites around the world. I think including these universities and highlighting the role they are playing will serve as a valuable asset and promotional tool. Part of the students and professors work can be educating the local people about these sites, and to not allow digging on their land before consulting with a professional. By keeping the upcoming generation engaged and educated they can continue the work to preserve our

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