Arab World And Stereotypes

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The use of the term “Arab World” can be offensive to people living in the Middle East. (14) There are people that would rather not be called that because they don't confine to the Arab people or religion. Another term that people use is an “another Arab ban.”(17) This term isn't something people like because it makes it sound like they have been banned for many things and that they are bad people. Using references or stereotypes can make people frustrated and no one wants that to happen, so it is best we start referring to them as the way they want to be referred. People in the Middle East aren't all Arabian, there are the Jews, the Muslims, and many other people and religions. Calling the entire region the “Arab World” is just false narrative and many people take it in the way that they shouldn’t. Using the term “Arab World” is like calling South America, Latin America and everyone knows that no everyone there is Latin American, and Brazil, the largest country in South America, is Portuguese. The media uses these references to try and define all the people in one area and don't realize that no all the people in that area are what people say they are, and sometimes the majority are of a different race, religion, or …show more content…

and not all be confined under the one use of “Arab World.” When the United States and the UK called the ban on electronic goods “another Arab ban” even though it included Turkey which has a higher majority of non Arabs. (15-17) Imagine is all of North America was just referred to as Northern America, and no one really mentions the states within it. People within North America wouldn’t like that because there are many different people living in North America, this is how the people in the Middle East feel and want to stop this and be called what they really

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