Apple's Company: The Future Of The Apple Company

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On 5th October 2011, after the untimely passing of the former Apple founder, the future of the technology giant was anything but definite. The former CEO had brought back the company from the verge of bankruptcy twice to make it one of the most valuable companies in the world. Therefore on Jobs’ departure a huge onus lied in front to the new CEO, Tim Cook, to follow in his footsteps and ensure that the company stays aligned on the path that his visionary and charismatic predecessor had marked for it. At the heart of Apple rests the philosophy of creating great products that are not only easy to use but also simplify the day to day operations of the user to a great extent. Innovation has always been central to Apple’s functioning and has historically …show more content…

Through its offerings Apple has been able to create a unique position for itself in the technology market. By operating on healthy margins it has been able to create phenomenal value for its shareholders. Apple, recently became the most profitable company in the world on the back of spectacular iPhone sales (34000 phones an hour) with around $180 billion in cash in its bank account. This is definitely a defining moment for Apple. As per the chart below showing the geographic distribution of Apple’s revenues, the Europe and the American markets are saturating …show more content…

The industry dynamics as discussed before have historically been adverse to Apple and the developed markets have reached to a saturation point as well. The last significant new product development was with respect to the iPad which was in 2010. Since then, Apple has been grappling with the issue of developing disruptive and innovative technological products. The most recent product development has been the iWatch, however unlike the iPhone and the iPad, Apple hasn’t been the forerunner in the development of wearable

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