Ap Human Geography Research Paper

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Inequality is why this world is very unequal. wouldn't you like to know why.Does geography location affect what crops a civilization can grow and how they develop?does location affect what animals are available to a civilization?How does the development of steel affect the development of civilization?Did exposure to epidemic diseases affect the development of civilization?Why is the world so unequal?Well, let me tell you avantages and geography led everyone in wrong places and wrong ways and the rest was all us. How does geographic location affect what crops a civilization can grow and how they develop?Well the latitude has a big party of that because if you're on the right latitude It can be the right climate and farming.Wheat and sago are the two main food sources. Wheat has protein, …show more content…

If it's hot and dry they might be there because it warm There most likely going to be in a place where there's water and where they can build their own shelter.It can affect them if there not use to that habtat and not wanting to do anythig for us or won't let us be in charge of them. Fertile crescent has more animals than new guinea which made them get more progress than papua new guinea. How does the development of steel affect the development of civilizations?Steel is one of the biggest thing why this world is unequal because it was going to make doing jobs easy for everyone. In new guinea, they really couldn't make steel because it was too rainy and they spending all their time getting and making sago.So they didnt have time to have any specialist so that means they didn't have steel and not having steel they couldn't do anything or improve. How did exposure to epidemic diseases affect the development of

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