Essay On Elderly Inequality

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Inequality has always existed in some form or another in the world. It takes shape in various forms like, gender, race, and age. These systems of inequality are caused by uneven distribution of goods and disparity between people. They are important to recognize because they shape how society acts and reacts to everyone’s differences, and educates the public so they are aware of of their actions. There will probably always be inequality in the world because everyone has differences, and truthfully life wouldn’t be sustainable if everyone was the same, but the important part is that these differences don’t lead to oppression and segregation. Gender is one form of inequality that affects roughy half of the world population, or more specifically …show more content…

The commonly held sentiment that the world is for the young is true a lot of the times. Once people get to a certain age, they are arguably seen as more of a burden on the government and their families. When elderly people can no longer care for each other they are now reliant on the government's help for medicare, social security, and other assistance. Elderly abuse is common in many nursing homes. They are at a disadvantage because they’re generally weaker than others. It is easier to take advantage of them financially and physically. This inequality is hard to correct because everyone ages, while at the same time there are always going to be younger people. Furthermore, society deems getting old as synonymous with bad. Everyday there are new advertisements and products aimed at looking young forever. This is the case especially for women. Women are suppose to always look their best and remain blissfully youthful looking, even when they’re elderly. This goes hand-in-hand with the inequality that exists with gender. A woman's value is subconsciously tied in with how she looks. She is judged if lets herself naturally age, instead of trying to mask it with botox, hair dye, and makeup. This stigma that surrounds aging is detrimental to people because people who aren’t young or don’t look it are valued less than

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