Ap Euro Dbq Enlightenment

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In 1685 there sparked a new age in Europe, the Enlightenment. During this time enlightened thinkers brought forth enhanced ideas of equality. Men, woman, rich, poor, monarchy, or peasant, everyone should have equal rights. In 1789 France was especially influenced by the new ideals. The french realized that they were still following the social ladder of the feudal system. They could not buy bread because of the raised prices, but the Monarchy was eating a feast for every meal. They had no say in what happened to their government, and their inadequate king kept making poor decisions. You might even say they took the enlightenment to the next level and started a revolution based on equality. Although the french were fighting for freedom (like the enlightened thinkers), they were not using reason or tolerance, two key elements of the Enlightenment.

Document 1 supports the ideals of the enlightenment because of it strong ties to equality, the authors are stating the rights they feel they should have in order for everyone to be equal. They intended for the King and other members of the government to see the Declaration and put its ideas into effect. In Document 2 the authors realize that the revolution …show more content…

The American Revolution was a lot like the French revolution. The revolutionaries from America were fighting for freedom against their reigning Monarchs from Britain. The Americans (Like the French Revolutionaries and Enlightened Thinkers) were fighting for freedom against their oppressors, and like the French they didn’t use very good reason or tolerance in their fight. The French burned down an expensive building to fight wasteful spending, and the Americans poured tea into the harbor because tea was becoming too expensive. Like the french, Americans had no tolerance for people who might be

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