Ap Biology Lab Report

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The aim of this report is to investigate the responses of plants in regards to growth on the basis of varying directional sunlight. In order analyze this; pea plants will be used within a conducted experiment.

Introduction to plants:
Organisms of all ecosystems rely on the mechanisms that have evolved for the sustainability of survival (Source 7). This is particularly applicable for the Eukaryote Kingdom, Plantae, (plant), of which is sessile. Due to their dormant nature, plants must be proficient in subsisting with the changing biotic and abiotic factors. As plants have no nervous system, plants rely on hormones (Source 1). Plant hormones are chemical messengers that are transported between the cells of a plant (Source 1, Source 3), and are responsible for several operations such as the growth of stems, leaves, and seed germination (Source 1).

Introduction to plant hormones:
There are five main plant hormones, Auxin, Abscisic Acid (ABA), Cytokinins, Ethylene, and Gibberellins (Source 1). Plant hormones have individual roles, and functions, yet often require the …show more content…

Having performed several further experiments, the Darwins’ stated when seedlings are exposed to a lateral source of light; an (unknown) inducer is transmitted from the upper part to the lower part of the plant, causing a curvature-like appearance (Source 9). Continuing onto Darwins’ discovery, Peter Boysen-Jensen and Arpad Paal determined the substance that caused the bending was due to a chemical present in the plant (Source 7). One year later, scientist F.W. Went concluded the initial discovery, calling the substance responsible for the bending in the plant, Auxin (IAA) (Source 9). Biologists have since recognized the extent of Auxin’s role in plant growth, as well as its location within the plant

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