Anxiety Treatment Approach

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Anxiety Disorders: Alternative and Complementary Treatment Approach

Introduction My chosen topic is anxiety disorders. Why anxiety? It is an epidemic affecting many people I know. It is understandable that we all need a little bit of it to keep us motivated, but too much of it could be detrimental. Anxiety is the apprehension, uneasiness, and excessive worry and fear about the future, often accompanied by compulsive disorders (Townsend, Mary, and Karyn, 2018). Anxiety is very common in our society today. While mild anxiety is motivational, moderate, severe, and panic anxiety disorders could negatively impact our perception of reality and general wellbeing. My purpose for writing this paper is to explain the concept of anxiety and suggest …show more content…

I chose this article because it clearly and precisely answered my questions. The weakness of the article is that it did not categorically state the levels and specific causes of anxiety disorders. For a peer-reviewed article, one would expect it to group different levels of anxiety and give their examples and individual solutions, perhaps medical or alternative and complementary therapies. In addition, explaining the pathophysiological aspect of anxiety would have given weight to the article, because it would have helped the reader understand the cause and effect of anxiety. The strengths of this article are tremendous. First, it defines the full concept of anxiety, and then differentiates between normal anxiety, and general anxiety disorders; claiming that anxiety only becomes a disorder if it lasts more than 6 months. With this, readers understand that having a mild anxiety is normal, and in fact motivational. Although, it did not group levels of anxiety, it stated different types of anxiety and detailed them. After which, it provided a list of strong, good, and unclear or conflicting scientific evidence alternative and complementary therapies, detailing their uses, precautions, interactions, and applications. Overall, the article is well-written, and very comprehensive. One in fact does not have to be a healthcare practitioner to understand it, as it is written in plain English with limited medical jargons. Even the jargons are defined, making it comprehensible to all and sundry. For these reasons, I would recommend it to a

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