Anti-Muslim Stereotypes

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When media coverage or portrayals have immense impact on the world, such an impression have tendency to obscure how individuals view certain things. Sometimes the outcome of these views can be positive, but majority of times these views perpetuates stereotypes, and stigmatizes a group that have nothing to do with the cause of whatever current event is relevant. With recent current events, such as the Paris Bombings or the Carlie Hebdo Shootings, Muslims are being falsely grouped into “terrorists,” which is making them become a marginalized group. Muslims are trying their best to get rid of such a stigma by speaking out and addressing their transgressors. Through ignorance and fear, people are incorrectly representing what the Muslims believe …show more content…

With Islamophobia, hate-crimes towards Muslims has also been a terrible outcome for the Muslims. With the sharing view of Islamophobia, people are now attacking Muslims, physically and emotionally. Since the Paris attacks, there has been a growth of anti-Muslim violence and intimidation. In Kirk Semple’s article, “‘I’m Frightened’: After Attacks in Paris, New York Muslims Cope with a Backlash,” Semple recounts what Muslims faced after the Paris Attacks. Since the attacks, many Muslims in New York, especially women wearing headscarves, are victims to verbal and physical abuse. It has gotten so bad that even non-Muslims, specifically a Latino, has been exposed to the hate-crimes towards Muslims (Semple.) “Two Muslim women in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn said that a man claiming to be a postal worker assaulted them, elbowing one and spitting in her face, and telling them he was going to burn down their “temple.” (Semple.) Another instance of prejudice against Muslims, recounted in Chokshi’s article, “Man who led armed protest at Texas mosque publishes list of Muslims’ home addresses,” just after the protests against the Islamic Center of Irving, in Texas, the same man who had led those protests, David Wright III, has publically published the addressees of Muslims on Facebook, a world renown social media platform. Wright was able to get these addressees from an Irvy City document that contained personal information of those who signed against a bill, which objectives were against the Islam influence in America (Chokshi.) These people are targeting Muslims and making them become more vulnerable to hate crimes against Muslims. These results and recent events of anti-Muslim sentiment are just the outer appearance of what is really happening and there is much more to it,

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