Anthony The Poor

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Topic – “Jesus said, “The poor will always be with you”, so it is pointless to give to charity,”
In this persuasive essay you will be persuaded into disagreeing that “Jesus said, “The poor will always be with you”, so it is pointless to give to charity,”. This essay, will make you see examples from all different perspectives such as one’s personal experience, the real world and from the book of Trash written by Andy Mulligan. This piece of writing can and will show you all the ways that you could help someone or even just think about what you could. As you slowly read through this you can see what some people have to live and maybe will make you think about have wealthy you actually are. This is wrong because a little goes a long way. When you see a homeless person on the street You give them 5$ or even 2$ and that can get them enough food to last them a day. Poverty in other countries Africa is a country that suffers from terrible water sources so if we gave even just a bottle of water to everyone that could save a life or many. This links back to the topic giving to charities is pointless but it is not because the littlest things make the difference. …show more content…

A homeless person on the street freezing If you gave them a jacket or maybe just a pair of gloves that could make the difference from feeling cold to feeling warm. Treat others the way you want to be treated Giving money to a charity clothes shop to help them out. Then one day you find yourself needing the help and you go back to the store in need for some. The people come up to you with open arms doing exactly what you did to them. This links back to giving to charities is not pointless because when you are in need they will help just like you have or

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