Anorexia Nervosa and Bulemia Nervosa

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The DSM-IV-TR states that there are two main types of eating disorders, anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Anorexia and bulimia are extremely serious eating disorders. The word anorexia means loss of appetite, while boulima refers to bulimia and means “Hunger of an ox”. “Ninety percent of cases of eating disorders occur in adolescent females, this fluctuates from the ages of 14 through 18”. Eating disorders are associated with an altered body image, displeasure with body weight, and unhealthy patterns of food consumption (Valentina, Markovic, Srdanovic & Mitrovic, 2010, 3). Anorexia is an eating disorder in which the individuals have lost more weight than what is considered healthy for their height and age. Their weight loss and food intake or what they lack in consumption is deliberate. They are extremely afraid of gaining weight and have specific methods for losing weight. These individuals workout excessively and usually go for the method of starvation, with a few purging tendencies. There are many negative drawbacks of being anorexic because the average anorexic loses 30 percent of their average body weight. Many individuals that do not have eating disorders often cannot control their body weight so there is not specific weight that is associated with these eating disorders, but is generally assumed that being less than 85 percent or an average’s expected body weight is being “too skinny”. Bulimic patients on the other hand, have more of a binging then purging process. The individuals refuse to maintain a normal body weight. Since the fear of gaining weight is one of the biggest factors in eating disorders it is difficult to attempt to help the individual because they will most likely struggle with their obsession of ... ... middle of paper ... ...nic constipation from over using laxatives. (Valentina, Markovic, Srdanovic & Mitrovic, 2010, 3) Though there are a few treatments for eating disorders they don’t always work. The treatments mostly include psychotherapies and cognitive behavioral therapy, also counseling and nutritional rehabilitation. These individuals must undergo many counseling sessions to try to indicate the essential reason that the individual adapted the eating disorder in the first place, it is difficult to change someone’s opinion of themselves so often times even have counseling very few amounts of these individuals actually change their eating habits and behaviors. The purposes for having treatment include helping the patient reach a specific weight that is healthy for their age and height and also to address all of the individual’s psychological problems associated with the disorder.

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