Wasted: A Memoir Of Anorexia And Bulimia By Marya Hornbacher

1249 Words3 Pages

Norah Judge
28 November 2017
HEng9- Klus, 6th hour
Nonfiction Book Outline

Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia by Marya Hornbacher

Meta-thesis and It’s Development:
Eating disorders are not caused by a single source, such as control, but are due to an accumulation of factors including genetics, upbringing, culture, and personality.

• Marya, the author and main character of the book, didn’t have a specific source that she could pinpoint as what caused her to start exhibiting bulimic behaviors.
• “Eating disorders are ‘about’: yes, control, and history, philosophy, society, personal strangeness, family fuck-ups, autoerotics, myth, mirrors, love and death and S&M, magazines and religion, the individual’s blindfolded stumble-walk through an ever-stranger world.” (Hornbacher, 4)
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• Marya claimed to have had odd eating habits even as a small child. Her mother also had odd eating habits, she even said that she used to make herself throw up. Marya’s grandmother was also very aware of food intake. She told one of Marya’s cousins (who was healthy and skinny) that she shouldn’t eat as much because she’s starting to look fat. o Marya’s anorexia and bulimia was most likely partly genetic because members of her family had a history of eating disorders and weight consciousness.
• Many doctors look for family problems when trying to find the cause of bulimia or anorexia. Marya had many problems with her relationship with her parents. They definitely cared about her, but her mom and dad had problems between them which often ended up affecting the relationship between her parents and her. Marya often acted as the “buffer” between her father and mother. o Her doctors suspected that her family’s dynamic and her upbringing may have contributed to the eating

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