Annual Enterprising Mathematics Challenge: Personal Statement

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In 2015, I was selected to represent Lasswade High School at the annual Enterprising Mathematics Challenge. In a team of four pupils we explored maths in the real world, created a presentation on buoyancy and solved maths problems in various activities. As the highest scoring team in Midlothian, we attended the final held at the Glasgow Science Centre in November during which a talk from an actuary sparked my interest in actuarial science. The opportunity made me realise that I could combine my love for both mathematics and actuarial science in the future.
I have always had an affinity with maths, especially the application of maths in real-life problems. Consistently scoring the highest in my school in the UKMT maths challenges for the past three years and my participation in STEM demonstrates my passion for the subject. The self-confidence this encouraged provoked my pursuit in the application of maths and so I independently organised a work experience placement at the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) in fourth year. …show more content…

During this placement I saw firsthand how maths is central to the work of Financial Advisors and Bank Tellers. I was given various responsibilities such as handling cash and fast cash, taking and making coin orders and cashing in cheques. I enjoyed applying my maths skills outside of the classroom. Also, shadowing Financial Advisors further widened my understanding of banking. Observing customer review meetings developed my problem solving skills and improved my own communication and social skills as I applied these when serving

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