Annotated Bibliography

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Reducing the stigma in special education is a very important topic because the stigma effects so many people. There are many ways stigma could be reduced. Some examples of those ways could be educators being required to have special education training or properly integrating special education and general education. Proper training of educators in the special education field would make students feel less intimidated by professors and teachers alike and more likely to step up for themselves and their education. Properly integrating special education and general education could possibly end the bullying of kids with special needs because integrating the education could show the general education students that they are no different from the special education students. For my annotated bibliography, I used a few search engines for my sources. The majority of my sources were found on Galileo, but one or two of my sources were found on Google. The majority of my sources are also peer-reviewed or an academic source. All of the authors of these sources have a background in special education or special education law. Each one of my sources are directly related to a particular part of my paper. I have a purpose for each source. My sources will help me educate and explain my purpose. As my research would show, there are many ways we can reduce stigma and I have learned new ideas and techniques from my research. The special education program is an effective program when it is properly used. However, the special education program is not always properly used. The IEP process is a long and hard journey to embark on. For some people, the process is not worth the accommodations and help the process provides to the student. There are many horrors... ... middle of paper ... ...2014. This source is a methodical article on how to, as an educator, help a special education student achieve the appropriate accommodations for the student's disabilities. The article is very extensive. Whitby's article also has specific examples on student advocacy. Included in the article are definitions of terms commonly heard in IEP meetings, such as Free and Appropriate Public Education. This article will be helpful because it goes into detail on how a teacher can get involved. The article's reliability is evident, as the article was found using Galileo. Galileo described the article as scholarly. Additionally, the author is a specialist in Autism and a behavior analyst. The author also has a Ph. D. from the University of Central Florida. Additionally, the author is the director of the center for Autism Spectrum Disorders at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas.

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