Anne Frank Sympathetic Character

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What if you were in hiding during World War II? Anne Frank was in hiding for around two years, along with the rest of her family. At the age of thirteen her world was completely turned upside down. Anne eventually died, due to the poor condition in the camps, but her father, Otto Frank, lived. He published Anne's diary and this quote can be found, "In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart." Anne showed me that someone could be endure a tribulation, and still remain optimistic. It was a struggle to stay alive, and Anne Frank had all the characteristics needed to do so. Anne was very sympathetic in the play as well as her diary. Additionally, she voiced, "We're not the only people that had to suffer. There are always been people that have had to..sometimes one race...sometimes another...and yet..." This revealed that even though she's suffering, she still feels sorrow for other people that had to go through a hard situation similar to hers. In the play, Anne made gifts for everyone else in the secret annex. She perpetually thank Miep for bringing items; like food or apparel. These scenes exhibited her sympathetic character and kind words. …show more content…

Anne stayed hopeful, and constantly kept her hopes up. Anne's diary was like her "friend" because she had to leave her actual ones behind when she went into hiding. Inditing in her diary kept her positive and gave her hope throughout hiding. Anne perpetually believed that everything would adjust and she could go back to her once mundane

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