Animals's Rights: The Issue Of Animal Rights

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In the 1970s the question of animal rights became a major social issue that more people started to take notice and action in. This discovery of the cruelty these animals go through, lead animal cruelty to become a serious issue in our world today. To understand how animals could be treated so unjustly one would need to know that many believed that animals could not feel pain. However, animals can feel pain just like humans can and using them for experimentation causes them extreme pain. “Each year, more than 100 million animals are killed in the U.S. laboratories for biology lessons, medical training, curiosity-driven experimentation, and chemical, drug, food, and cosmetics” (Peta 1). With countries having inadequate regulations to protect animal’s rights the chances of that number dropping are slim to none. For centuries animals have been taken from their habits and used to benefit humans. We go to events such as circuses or have a fun day with the family at Sea World and watch animals do silly and meaningless tricks just to captivate our attention. What we miss while being charmed is the curl training, the animal’s constant confinement, and if animals are pushed to their breaking point it can lead to the public being put in danger. We as a society have gone too far in benefitting ourselves at the cost many animal’s lives. Growing concerns over …show more content…

Jainism is strictly non-violent and they believe that life exist everywhere and the only way to save one’s self is to protect all the other souls. Jain scripture says, “do not injure, abuse, oppress, enslave, insult, torment, torture or kill any creature or living being” (BBC 1). Intentionally killing animals or even mistreating causes Jains not to be saved, therefore they will take extreme measures not to even eat animals. There are other religions, such as Buddhism and Hinduism, that also believe that animals are living beings and do have

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