Circus Animals

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Describe the Essay Topic
This essay proposes to investigate the ethics of training, and subsequently utilising, circus animals for the purpose of human entertainment. Therefore, the essay will respond to the question “what moral or ethical obligations do humans have in respect of other animals? How can these obligations be filled?” It should be noted that a distinction is made between morals, which are personal standards of behaviour – and ethics – which are moral principles that govern societal behaviour. This essay will focus on ethical obligations. Specifically, the treatment and training methods of circus animals will be researched to ascertain what, if any, physical or psychological discomfort results for the animals. More precisely, investigations will be undertaken to gauge circus animals’ quality of life, and thus arguments that circus animals both enjoy and loathe this treatment will be explored. Additionally, specific cases of cruelty to circus animals, together with various legislation that either allows or prohibits such behaviours, will be examined.
Once this contextualising research is complete and it is understood exactly what happens to circus animals, and how this happens, the essay will then focus on the ethics that underlie these practices, posing the poignant question ‘why is this allowed to occur?’ Thus, human attitudes and behaviours towards circus animals will be analysed to determine what the ethical obligations to circus animals are, and to what degree these are fulfilled or breached in contemporary times. Therefore, the divergence between the current and the ‘ideal’ treatments of circus animals will be examined. In doing so, the sentience and morality of animals will be investigated, by considering wh...

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...aken from this source will be used to compliment and corroborate information taken from other sources that are more specific to this topic and will also be useful in providing a more well-rounded understanding of the topic.

Alatola, E 2011, The ethics of animal circuses, The Captive Animals’ Protection Society, Manchester, UK.
Garner, R 1993, Animals, politics, and morality, Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK, pp. 92-94.
Nussbaum, MC 2006, ‘The moral status of animals’, The Chronicle of Higher Education, February 3, pp. 1-6.
PETA 2012, Circuses; Three Rings of Abuse, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Norfolk, VA.
Ringling Bros 2010, Circus Animal Abuse, video, Youtube, October 23, viewed 26 March 2014, .
Roleff, TL, Hurley, JA 1999, The rights of animals, Greenhaven Press, San Diego.

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