Animal Testing Is Unnecessary

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Did you know that mice are 98 percent genetically similar to humans. Animals are great research subjects because they are so similar to humans. According to Frankie L. Trull, the president of the Foundation of Biomedical Research ”During animal testing the animals are treated very well to ensure accurate results.’’This topic is controversial because some animals may experience pain. That pain is usually minimal. I support animal testing because it benefits humans, so we know what drugs/medicines are safe. Also, if you don't support animal testing would you rather have humans be tested on? One reason why many people support animal testing is that humans and animals are very similar genetically. According to the California Biomedical Research Association “All animals have similar organs, such as the heart,lungs and liver.”They all function the same way as our organs do. If you didn't know, most animals that are tested are mice and rats. Mice and rats are genetically 98 percent similar to humans. Also humans and animals can carry the same diseases (Why we Should accept animal testing). H.I.V, A.I.D.S, arthritis ,diabetes and cancer are just a few of the diseases that humans and animals both acquire. If you say that animal testing is unnecessary; that is not a factual statement. There is a multitude of evidence to contradict that statement. …show more content…

Polio is a virus that can destroy nerve cells controlling muscles in the spinal cord and brain. The first breakthrough was in 1949 when Australian scientists discovered a way to grow the polio virus safely in tissue cultures,allowing scientists to produce their own strains of the virus (Read "Science, Medicine, and Animals.) That is a vital step that led to the vaccine. Without that there would be no

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