Animal Testing 101 Essay

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According to the article Animal Testing 101,” More than 100 million Animals suffer and die in the U.S every year in cruel chemical, drug, food, and cosmetics tests as well as in medical training exercises and curiosity-driven medical experiments at universities.” Many people do not know the negatives on animal testing including how the animals are treated inhumanely and how the animals do not react the same ways as humans. Some alternatives to animal testing would be to test on samples of human tissue, human cells, or people could test on computers that can simulate a human. To begin with, the animals are treated inhumanely during animal tests. They are stuck in cages, anxious, waiting until they are forced into another painful experiment. Some of them were born in the laboratories and never experienced a normal life. The Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) stated “Legal tests include burning, poisoning, starving, forced smoking, mutilating, blinding, electrocuting, drowning, and dissecting.” Not to mention, painkillers are not required for an animal, and aren’t often used. Many experiments aren’t even used for medical advances, but …show more content…

According to People for the Ethical treatment of animals (PETA) “The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has noted that 92 percent of all drugs that are shown to be safe and effective in animal tests fail in human trials because they don’t work or are dangerous.” This could be a result from many reasons like the animals being distressed or other reasons like them living in an unfamiliar environment. Their distress from testing affects how the body functions and negatively affects the test results. Different genetics between humans and the animals is another reason why animals wouldn’t react the same. The effect of a drug may vary depending on a species genetics. For example, Aspirin can kill one animal while on the contrary, it can result in birth defects for another

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