Animal Farm Book Comparison

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Animal Farm Essay People usually think at first that the movie that was made based of a book should sound exactly like the book. But it may surprise that is not the case in most movies. The book Animal Farm by George Orwell is tremendously different than the 1954 film. The movie and the book, “Animal Farm” was about how animals rebelled against their farmers, but after the animals got control of the farm some of the animals began greedy and decided that they were better than the animals, and became more like people than animals. They are different from the theme, and relationships. Some parts of the 1954 movie however were similar to the book. In the book it states, “ They dashed straight for Snowball, who only sprang from his place just …show more content…

In the book, George Orwell, the author, spent time showing the strong relationships between the animals. You could tell how much the other animals feared the pigs walking on two legs because the quote was “Four legs good, two legs bad.” In the book it states, “Amazed, terrified, huddling together, the animals watched the long line of pigs march slowly round the yard. It was as though the world turned upside-down.” This shows how scared, and surprised the animals were to see the pigs walking on their hind legs. Because one of the amendments stated that no animal shall walk on two legs. In the movie however, Benjamin found the pigs walking and called the other animals to see, but it didn't seem that it was as important or terrifying as George Orwell made it feel in the book. Another difference is that Old Major did not talk about his dream, and he didn’t seem that important in the movie. In the book however Old Major talked about how he had a dream that all animals were not runned by humans, and were free. In the book it states, “There, comrades, is the answer to all our problems. It is summed up in one word-Man.” This shows that Old Major was very important in starting the rebellion and showing the animals what to do. Also, in the movie, Old Major died while giving his speech so it made it seem that he was not very

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