Animal Farm All Animals Are Equal Analysis

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“All animals are equal” (Orwell, 23) was a commandment featured in the allegory based off of the Russian Revolution, Animal Farm. An extreme corruption of power by the animals allows the commandment to later be altered to read “All animals are equal but some are more equal than others”(PaGE). This dishonest adulteration of authority can also be seen in the novel Anthem.The novels, Animal Farm, and Anthem, despite the difference in their time frames, both have similar themes and concepts that are executed throughout the novel, including: The central idea of egalitarianism, corruption of power and ignorance.
In Anthem, communistic ideals are present; the government takes away their self identity and inflicts its people into using the word ‘we’ rather than ‘I’. This concept allows all of the characters to be equal, taking away factors that would individually apply to one person, and letting those elements apply to all, creating egalitarianism. In animal farm, the crucial commandment of “all animals are equal” (Orwell, 23) creates the base of egalitarianism, along with other …show more content…

The ‘government’, through the two books, keeps its citizens ignorant. In Animal Farm, Napoleon allows the ignorance of the animals to endure by having them work on a windmill, making certain that the animals were too engaged in working to be aware of the corruption that was truly happening. In Anthem, the council keeps its citizens knowledgeable of the events that happened in the past, making sure the people would not question their procedures. Overall, the ignorance created by the form of power allows them to continue to corrupt their power,and lie to their people.
To conjecture, both Animal Farm and Anthem portray the ideology of equality in a similar way, but both novels put the story differently. Animal Farm and Anthem bth include the central ideas of the adulteration of power, equality, and overall

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