Symbolism In Just Lather That's All

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In the short story “Just Lather, That’s All” by Hernando Tellez, the word blood symbolizes: the protagonist’s pride, dark imagination, and his inner voice. Our actions when presented with a crisis can change our whole life. “I don’t want blood on my hands.” (Tellez 195) Is a quote that represents that the barber does not want to take the blame for the death of Captain Torres. He loves and takes pride in his job, and is not a murderer, even if he has once had the thought to carry out a murder. This connects to the imagery in the quote “Out of his neck a gush of blood would spout onto the sheet . . . like a little scarlett stream.” (Tellez 194) The quote shows that the main character has a dark place of mind and also has a very vivid imagination.

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