Anesthesiologist Essay

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Lying face up on a cold bed. Doctors are cutting into your sternum, they “surgically” break your ribs to get to your cancer. You wake up seeing your own heartbeat then you pass out from the pain. The shock gives you a heart attack and you die. Who’s at fault? Is it the surgeons; he didn't make you wake up. Is it the nurses? No she but the IV in correctly. Who is to blame? The doctor who did not prescribe enough medicine to keep the patient asleep for long enough is to blame. The pressure and stress can affect a person I feel that this could be a good fit for me. An anesthesiologist is a doctor who analyses various things people: height, weight, fat and, age of the patient who is receiving an anesthetic, a drug used to block and reduce pain in the body. . In my opinion this also applies to my perfectionistic qualities. It’s schooling and requirements are extensive but I am up for the challenge. The work hours are strenuous but I …show more content…

It started somewhere in the Middle Ages. The main groups to start to practice this job were the Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and, Chinese. The discoveries in the 1800 century caused the practical use of anesthetics in the modern world, but two very large leaps in this practice were in the late 1900’s. These discoveries were the germ theory of disease. According to ABPI Louis Pasteur discovered founded this theory. The cause of his discovery was from when his 3 girls died of infectious diseases. He observed these diseases and used them as his first real points to prove his theory. Burnell R. Brown, M.D is one of the most famous anesthesiologist because he was the first chairman of the Department of Anesthesiology in Arizona, he served in the military and specialized in drug biotransformation and interests in inhalation methods of anesthesiology. He authored more than a dozen books and better helped the knowledge of our

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